Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Nursing Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Nursing - Article Example 2. Variables in the Research Study As earlier indicated, the hypothesis of the research study provides a relationship between two or more variables in the study. In the study conducted by Kalisch and Lee (2011), the hypothesis provides a relationship between two variables with the first variable being staffing while the second variable is teamwork. Importantly, Kalisch and Lee explicitly stated and discussed these two variables in their study in detail. Macnee and McCabe (2008) identified the independent variables in a study as the variables that determine or predict the outcome of interest. In line with this, Kalisch and Lee (2011) used staffing as the independent variable in the study since nursing staffing determined the outcome that the research study sought to investigate. On the other hand, it is important to point out that a dependent variable in a research study is â€Å"the outcome that the research is trying to explain or predict† (Macnee & McCabe, 2008, p.74). In li ne with this, it is evident that the researchers wanted to investigate the effects of staffing in nursing on the levels of teamwork nurses exhibited. In effect, the amount of teamwork exhibited by these nurses depends on the levels of staffing, which in this case qualifies teamwork as the dependent variable of the study. Kalisch and Lee (2011) also identified other variables in their research. These variables qualify to fit the category of research variables. In this case, the first of these variables is hours per patient per day (HPPD), which is a determinant of the staffing levels in nursing. Secondly, another research variable is the skill mix in nursing, which is â€Å"the proportion of RNs, LPNs, and NAs providing... This paper approves that the research study focused on the attributes of gender, age, and professional qualifications of the nurses while conducting research. In line with this, the study conducted by the researchers involved 60% percent of the sample as nurses above 35 years. Therefore, it is evident that this attribute of age is crucial since these nurses had more than ten years of practice. Hence, they would offer more information due to their experiences in various facilities regarding the role of staffing and its influence on teamwork in nursing. In terms of the gender attribute as a demographic variable, the sample of the study had 89% females while the rest were males. Finally, the attribute of education whereby over 46% of nurses in the study possessed the qualification of a degree in nursing is important due to the skills mix that the researchers used in determining the levels of staffing. The study used primary sources of data and secondary sources of data while conducting the research study. In this case, the researchers used existing data in order to argue their case to the reader and underline the importance of conducting the research study. This essay makes a conclusion that the data collection technique was spread in duration of four weeks in each facility involved in the research study with the data protocol involving two phases. Importantly, each phase intended to achieve a different objective with the researchers first seeking the approval and support of the hospitals involved, which is the fundamental step in research ethics. In addition, the study relied on the use of questionnaires to collect the raw data from their subjects with each subject obtaining the survey in a sealed envelope.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Ministry Integration Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ministry Integration Project - Research Paper Example This act of modeling Christ Jesus in our own personal lives can serve as the strongest witness over whatever is preached in the pulpit. On the other hand, a single pastor is the symbol of integrity and celibacy in the presence of too many temptations in the world. That said, a married pastor that experiences chaos in his family life will act as a bad influence and at the same time be destructive to the congregation that they are ministering to and hence hinder his role and purpose as the Lord’s witness to the rest of the world. Pastor’s and to the larger extent Christians ought to have it together in their personal and family lives so as to act as a good example to the rest of the population that is composed of non- believers and believers of other faiths. A chaotic pastor’s or Christian’s life will offer little incentive to the non-believer since they will not see the need to substitute their current life with a chaotic life in the name of non-believers. A Christian leader who does not have any organized love and family relationship will not command any respect from his congregation since they will not hold him in such high regard. In the real world, families are not always perfect and this does not exclude the pastor’s family as well. There always tends to be conflict in married life. With this said, the minister always has a higher or greater responsibility to ensure that his marriage and family always tend to work even in the face of all these problems that afflict most if not every family. The minister of the church will always have a much greater responsibility in bringing up his children in the way of the Lord and also with respect and Love. This aspect does not mean that his family is expected to be perfect, but it means that he should handle his family problems with integrity and maturity so as to end up in the end with a united family as well as a